Getting Started

Getting Started

After Installing Kalemat and Install Demo Content, you should probably start the following:

  1. Go to Kalemat Theme Options and fill your own data in the general setting.
  2. Customise the Main Right sidebar skin with the colors you want to have and the fonts you want to apply.
  3. Customise the Main Header/Footer with any data you need or turn off any section you want.
  4. Start customising your Homepage using the Layout Builder.

If you ever forgot to add any data, we got you covered … we add a default value for everything incase you forgot to set a certain option.


When having any issue please check the following first:

  • Please Make Sure that you have installed not the package you got from Envato, Extract it and Upload
  • Please Make Sure that you have WordPress 3.7.1
  • Please Make Sure that you Disable All the Plugins as any of them might be causing a conflict with our Page builder or content.
  • Please Make Sure that you Host have allow_url_fopen is set to 1 to be able to use the social  count widget
  • Please Make Sure that you Host have  mb_strlen() is enabled not to get fatal error. Or contact your hosting to activate it


Have fun using the theme 🙂